суббота, 11 июля 2009 г.
Fwd: Письма Деду Морозу
Есть у наших братьев по разуму на Западе одна чрезвычайно полезная традиция под названием New Year resolutions. Это в меру подробный план-просьба по достижению целей в будущем году. Долгое время я не решался примерить ее на себя, поскольку не очень-то верил в долгосрочное планирование. Но что-то меняется внутри: в этом году я решил попробовать.
Пункты, которые я занес в обычный гугловый документ сильно пересекаются с разделами этого сайта: поставлены цели по здоровью, финансовому состоянию, работе, развитию и отдыху, ждет своего часа раздел «технологии», но он в данном случае, сами понимаете, не является первоочередным.
В написании письма в будущее я лишь зеленый новичок, тогда как есть люди весьма искушенные в создании планов на год. Один из них – Армен Петросян: он пошел гораздо дальше составления простого списка желаний и целей и сделал настоящую карту успеха на основе mind map. Но самое главное: Армен описал главный смысл составления подобных планов: крошечный набор байтов что-то поворачивает в подсознании, ориентирует его достижение поставленных целей. Цитата: «Стоит написать на бумаге желаемое, а потом забыть о нём, оно непременно сбывается.» New Year Resolution как Универсальная Машина Выполнения Желаний – как вам? Самое главное – цели и желания должны идти от души, не быть навязанными рекламой, советом друга или мимолетной прихотью.
the Task manager
All task management works only when it continuously use.
It is difficult to head to solve the problems + to watch the decision of problems of subordinates
The assistant is probably necessary. On all company one - Task the manager
He also will watch for "8 tasks", for every evening's reports, for conformity of current tactical problems - strategy.
On idea is and there is a problem of the head. But from us often take the head - as not only the co-ordinator of the subordinates and the scheduler, but also as executor. Therefore he is not in time behind all. To solve the and to watch the decision of subordinates.
Probably such task-manager who will conduct task-management of all heads + general = the big unloading.
Its problems:
1. To watch presence "8tasks" by morning - each executor and the head
2. To watch presence 8 reports in the evening of everyone.
3. To watch formulations of problems and reports
4. To watch for over-resourcing and insufficiently-resourcing problems carrying them to strategy
5. To form a card of movement of zones to the company purposes
It certainly functions of heads, but they different, they on a miscellaneous diligent, + any head is connected to problems of subordinates and he simply has no time to watch this bureaucracy (I will not be afraid this word), the strategic thinking and a sight from above as a result suffers.
And it is important, that the task-manager was not the assistant general, and the assistant to all heads. It not the linear manager - and functional (if to recollect matrix structure)
Why nobody/anywhere/never dont use calendars? (Outlook, Lotus, Google cal, iCal, Megaplan.... And even in daily logs)
The excellent tool (inherently) - to plan day and week. Why?
At us they always the empty. We use daily logs-as notebooks, without paying attention on timeline in them.
In the building company, on the basis of usual outlook - the calendar was conducted. There were invitations to meetings which were dispatched to participants, it was possible to make an an appointment to the person (not to call and strain its question: "I should talk over with you, when?).
And so I took and fixed time according to windows of the second participant, and it having received inquiry - moved it for more convenient time, taking into account my free windows.
They are synchronised almost with all mobile - who participants, a theme, the summons conveniently show. So why nobody uses?
On idea the system "8 tasks" - can simply having received be thrown for today. All 8 problems on 1 hour. And directly there and to write the report on everyone. They can be reshuffled, something since morning, something in 2 half of day. Here and the plan of works. And to transfer not executed it is possible. And the broad gull is. And it is logical, if at the person an external meeting in a current of day it cannot carry out at this time these 8 problems. All is fair.
At the chief will burn for 10 mornings (for example) - 3 its problems of 3 subordinates. (It is inconvenient?) choose display of one day, instead of week. Then all will go in.
And in the cals per day - will be on 3 х 8 tasks subordinates and one 8 (before CEO for example)
Here the formula of efficiency of the proprietor of business or the general director:
Efficiency = result / problems
Here the formula of the subordinate:
Efficiency = result / problems
Differs nothing Now we will accept as :) an axiom that the result for the subordinate - is constant (it it salary)
Accordingly the subordinate to increase the efficiency tries to reduce the problems - that is why anybody from subordinates does not think of the productivity, does not want more problems, does not wish to plan day, to write reports about made and to use task management. On º» it cannot influence!
And reports do not wish to write because - it is necessary though something to make that though something to write.
Therefore to formulate problems to the subordinate the head SHOULD, the head other more interesting affairs as though did not wish to be engaged in.
And reports to read too the head should. Otherwise nobody will write them, so also something to do.
The call to the head or a call of the head to the subordinate also is this plug "problem statement - to report about performance".
8 tasks
Has thought up system 8 problems:
* 8 problems - each subordinate should do in day
* 8 problems - because 8 working hours in day, on an hour on a problem. Any will occupy more, any there is less than hour - but as a result are mutually compensated
* 8 problems = 3 yesterday's outstanding + 3 new problems + 2 problems, are offered by the employee (it develops the initiative)
* 8 reports-short of phrases DAILY the subordinate as each problem has promoted in the evening should write, is executed, such difficulties, has transferred for tomorrow
* 8 consequences - after problem performance, the employee is obliged to write that further? What to do with result of this problem.
1. The chief knows that its subordinates do
2. Subordinates know, they solve what problems today (executors often do not know that it is necessary to do, and do what them pull
3. The subordinate knows that it is necessary though something to write so it is necessary for it though something to make (even if today he will write "has not phoned" - tomorrow he will be ashamed to write too most) in the evening
4. The initiative - the subordinate himself offers pair of problems, it forces it to think, what for it works
5. A consequence - the subordinate understands what for it worked over this problem and as it to use
6. It is convenient to look a trend of increase in performance of problems
Motivation: If the employee has made 8 problems tomorrow it should only 7 and so to 5 problems. And on the contrary at default the quantity grows on +1 in day again to 8. It is a carrot.
Problems I suggest to formulate in the form of 1 project + 3 words so:
The project. Action. The subject. Object.
So it will be visible at chiefs:
CRM. To adjust. CRM. to All
Point of sales 2. To sign. The contract. Open Company Firm
Maintenance of points. To ship. TVs. Open Company Firm
Debts. To ring round. Debts. Debtors
Safety. To issue. The admission. Ivanov
Almost it is possible so to paint all problems.
It is convenient to analyze then, comparing projects. What projects a feather resource what it is not enough resource.
At directors Areas (CEOs) will be visible so:
The sales manager:
Efficiency of sales. CRM. To adjust. CRM. All
Maintenance of sales. A point of sales 2. To sign. The contract. Open Company Firm
Warehouse. Maintenance of points. To ship. TVs. Open Company Firm
Efficiency of sales. Debts. To ring round. Debts. Debtors
The chief executive
Infrastructure. Safety. To issue. The admission. Ivanov
And at CEO it will be visible here so (sheet of all problems operational activity):
AREAS - directions-projects-tasks
Sales. Efficiency of sales. CRM. To adjust. CRM. All
Sales. Maintenance of sales. A point of sales 2. To sign. The contract. Open Company Firm
Sales. A warehouse. Maintenance of points. To ship. TVs. Open Company Firm
Sales. Efficiency of sales. Debts. To ring round. Debts. Debtors
The personnel. An infrastructure. Safety. To issue. The admission. Ivanov
In my opinion very good idea of strategic vision of operational activity of the company.
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Problem vs Stratigic management
As minuses:
- There is no strategy vision (from above)
- Are not visible/not development questions are solved
- It is often visible over resourcing and not enough resourcing zones
Counter in five zones which answer 1 strategic question of the purpose of creation of any company:
SOMEONE needs to MAKE SOMETHING that it to SELL and having paid EXPENSES, to get PROFIT
Here These zones
Areas - Directions - Projects - TasksAreas - Directions - Projects - Tasks
Areas | Directions | Projects |
The personnel | Personnel/hiring selection | The personnel account, personnel hire/optimization, Training and development |
Infrastructure | Economy, an automated workplace, Office, Klining, Safety | |
Manufacture (or purchases) | Manufacture / purchases | |
Working out of new products | Reduction of costs | |
Sales | Maintenance of sales | Presence of the goods, cash desk, point of sales, official registration of papers |
Efficiency of sales | Debts, Actions, CRM, CallCenter, Direct … | |
Warehouse | Logistics, the warehouse account, maintenance of points of sales | |
Marketing | Researches, a creative, actions, brending, advertising, | |
Finance | The account | Administrative/accounting, attraction of means, lawyers, bank |
Development | Opening of points of sales | Opening of point N1, N2, N3, |
Optimisation of processes | ERP, Task management, logistics, dokum.oborot, electro-coordination, reminders, coordination of others |
In the Table: everyone Direction is istrument with the help which AREAS (Zones) are conducted.
Projects are concrete steps, they are grouped in Direction as at them is difined subgoal
Within the limits of ocean: to cross ocean the person (personnel) who will make a boat (manufacture) is necessary, will start to row (i.e. to do actions to achieve the object) (sales), having paid some price-expenditure of forces for rowing, fishing (finance), it will reach any island to have a rest, to float further to the purposes (profit)
Areas | Directions | The CONCEPT of any business | The comment |
The | Personnel/hiring selection | TO | Replacing with the best, raising their |
Infrastructure | Giving tools for work | ||
Manufacture (or purchases) | Manufacture / purchases | It is necessary to MAKE SOMETHING | |
Working out of new products | Necessary for the market, more cheaply | ||
Sales | Maintenance of sales | That it to SELL | |
Efficiency of sales | Raising profitability of communications | ||
Warehouse | Having provided necessary in time | ||
Marketing | Increasing non-material cost and watching requirements | ||
Finance | The account | And having paid EXPENSES | Without breaking the law, optimising taxes |
Development | Opening of points of sales | To get PROFIT | Developing territory of sales |
Optimisation of processes | Raising efficiency of work | ||
To receive it is more than profit, increasing profitability |
The item with. Understand, what applying problem management it is impossible to win in chess? You will be protected only...
I consider it it is necessary to conduct:
* It forces to recollect the important thoughts of day
* It forces to formulate the thoughts in the logical text (оч important)
* You do not forget the important thoughts for you which today important, and tomorrow can be embodied
* you have a broad gull which it is pleasant to read then for history of your self-development
* On your thoughts can give comments other people (the rights/not of the rights)
* The day after tomorrow you can finish, finish today's thoughts, having re-read
* Are traced change (a growing, wisdom) the person