суббота, 11 июля 2009 г.

Problem vs Stratigic management

Businessmen often operate business tactically, i.e. in process of occurrence of problems throw there resources. I will name it problem management

As minuses:
  • There is no strategy vision (from above)
  • Are not visible/not development questions are solved
  • It is often visible over resourcing and not enough resourcing zones
I have tabulated the knowledge which named zone management
Counter in five zones which answer 1 strategic question of the purpose of creation of any company:

SOMEONE needs to MAKE SOMETHING that it to SELL and having paid EXPENSES, to get PROFIT

Here These zones
  3. SALES
Detailed elaboration occurs so further:
Areas - Directions - Projects - TasksAreas - Directions - Projects - Tasks

The personnel Personnel/hiring selection
The personnel account, personnel hire/optimization, Training and development

Economy, an automated workplace, Office, Klining, Safety
Manufacture (or purchases)Manufacture / purchases

Working out of new products
Reduction of costs
SalesMaintenance of sales
Presence of the goods, cash desk, point of sales, official registration of papers

Efficiency of sales
Debts, Actions, CRM, CallCenter, Direct …

WarehouseLogistics, the warehouse account, maintenance of points of sales

Researches, a creative, actions, brending, advertising,
FinanceThe accountAdministrative/accounting, attraction of means, lawyers, bank
Development Opening of points of salesOpening of point N1, N2, N3,

Optimisation of processesERP, Task management, logistics, dokum.oborot, electro-coordination, reminders, coordination of others

In the Table: everyone Direction is istrument with the help which AREAS (Zones) are conducted.

Projects are concrete steps, they are grouped in Direction as at them is difined subgoal

Within the limits of ocean: to cross ocean the person (personnel) who will make a boat (manufacture) is necessary, will start to row (i.e. to do actions to achieve the object) (sales), having paid some price-expenditure of forces for rowing, fishing (finance), it will reach any island to have a rest, to float further to the purposes (profit)

The CONCEPT of any business
The comment
The Personnel/hiring selection
Replacing with the best, raising their


Giving tools for work
Manufacture (or purchases)Manufacture / purchases
It is necessary to MAKE SOMETHING

Working out of new products

Necessary for the market, more cheaply
SalesMaintenance of sales
That it to SELL

Efficiency of sales

Raising profitability of communications

Having provided necessary in time


Increasing non-material cost and watching requirements
FinanceThe account And having paid EXPENSES
Without breaking the law, optimising taxes
DevelopmentOpening of points of salesTo get PROFIT
Developing territory of sales

Optimisation of processes
Raising efficiency of work

To receive it is more than profit, increasing profitability

The item with. Understand, what applying problem management it is impossible to win in chess? You will be protected only...

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