суббота, 11 июля 2009 г.



Why nobody/anywhere/never dont use calendars? (Outlook, Lotus, Google cal, iCal, Megaplan.... And even in daily logs)

The excellent tool (inherently) - to plan day and week. Why?
At us they always the empty. We use daily logs-as notebooks, without paying attention on timeline in them.

In the building company, on the basis of usual outlook - the calendar was conducted. There were invitations to meetings which were dispatched to participants, it was possible to make an an appointment to the person (not to call and strain its question: "I should talk over with you, when?).

And so I took and fixed time according to windows of the second participant, and it having received inquiry - moved it for more convenient time, taking into account my free windows.

They are synchronised almost with all mobile - who participants, a theme, the summons conveniently show. So why nobody uses?

On idea the system "8 tasks" - can simply having received be thrown for today. All 8 problems on 1 hour. And directly there and to write the report on everyone. They can be reshuffled, something since morning, something in 2 half of day. Here and the plan of works. And to transfer not executed it is possible. And the broad gull is. And it is logical, if at the person an external meeting in a current of day it cannot carry out at this time these 8 problems. All is fair.

At the chief will burn for 10 mornings (for example) - 3 its problems of 3 subordinates. (It is inconvenient?) choose display of one day, instead of week. Then all will go in.

And in the cals per day - will be on 3 х 8 tasks subordinates and one 8 (before CEO for example)

1 комментарий:

  1. в росгейме пользуются и совещания назначаются именно так
